Monday, November 7, 2011

Medical marijuana, how strange

Here in good old California they have medical marijuana so that if you have an ache, pain, angst, bad feeling, need, you can get the docs to give you a prescription of medical marijuana!

then you can go down to the outlet and buy the weed as you need it!

Now that is really funny, as there is no FDA approval for the drug prescription, it is grown in fields, harvested , dried, packaged, sold , and you have absolutely no idea of its actual sanitary condition.

Now that is okay for marijuana, but God help you if you want to buy a manufactured drug from Canada for a serious condition, that my friends, is against the law, because the FDA can not control the production of the drugs.

And is there any sense at all in this situation?

Occupy whatever!

Do these people really think that a mass of the people can do a darn thing as a mass of the people other than moan and groan about conditions in their lives.

If they want to do anything they have to organize and developer leaders then follow the leaders, Ah, but the trouble with that is the followers have never been able to control their leaders , have they?

The leaders take control, organize the system, take their prominent positions in the system, and then start to loot the system to enhance the power of the leading class.

And then one leader leads the leaders and controls the who governmental system and the political system , and the financial systems, and the followers pay their tribute to the leader and adore their leader, who freed them from the nasty capitalists and provided them with jobs in the coal mines of Germany, Italy, or Russia!

And they think that this is FREEDOM, as the leader will provide for the masses and control the rich and take all of the wealth from the rich, that are not part of the system, take from the middle class, and give it to their supports.

Hey, you don't believe this, look at what will happen and remember I told you so.

harrassment, what is the world coming to.

Sexual harassment! Is there a Man in the USA, the World, who has not sexually harrassed a female! Hell, in San Francisco you could get harrassed by a man if you were a man, by a woman if you were a woman, and that was considered normal there, but probably not in the real world

I suspect it part of the unwritten laws of society today to demasculize the male, masculize the female, join them all together in one gender , and solve the world population problems.

Why are they attacking Herman Cain for doing what men are supposed to do, and then ignoring Obama for doing what men are not supposed to be doing?

I guess there is something in the water, or the booze, or the politics of the USA that is confusing.

If you have never harrassed a female, and you are a male, please explain why you have failed the duty of men!