Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Real Benefits of muncipal financing

So, here comes the CCA advocating that the city join in a congregation of citys to establish their own little power system, and that it will be cheaper as it will be not for profit.

Yeah right, not for profit, except for the new staff and systems to compete with PGand E.

Of course, it is only good if the municipalities finance everything, and you know the municipal money if free, as it only comes from the taxpayers, and not from the filthy investors. You know, those ones that build stuff and make money.

And, of course, it will be preceeded by an un-biased study by the CCA which is surely a good source of information. And their consultants will peer review the project. And their consultants are no-bid consultants.

But, it will increase the purchases of green power from power suppliers in Sonoma County.

And that is all to the good, except they say the project could go into a death spiral if the customers opt-out of the CCA,

Well , I don't think I will be supporting it, as it say it might save 5% on PGandE bills, but will cost the municipalities to pay the bonds, if it collapses.

Oh, well , politicans know best, don't they?

Trader Jack

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