Thursday, September 29, 2011

Politicans and economics.

watching a member of the House of Representatives lamenting the housing crash and the economy crash state that the people losing their homes to foreclosure were losing their wealth, and it was costing the country trillions of dollars.

Folks, those people that lost their house had no wealth to lose, in most cases. If you buy a $500,000 house and borrow $450,000 to complete the transaction, you have a home that costs you $30,000 a year for payments and a tax of $5,000 year that will continue until the home is destroyed.
It will cost you $6,000 a year to maintain it, and if you want to sell it , it will cost you $30,000 to sell it if the value has not gone down.

It is just like buying a Rolls Royce, you will feel great buying it, but keeping it going will be expensive.

Now if the Real estate marks takes a 10% dive you will take a $50,000 loss and that will mean that you will have no equity in the home, and no wealth in the real estate you own.

You will be better off to turn in the keys and get rid of the dept, and perhaps wind up with a small net worth. If you try to sell it you will be in the hole for another $25,000 and be deeper in the debt hole.

The trouble with buying a $500,000 house is that you will have to furnish it, meet the standards of the neighborhood, and , in general, spend a lot of money maintaining your feeling of being a millionaire!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Gun Control and the rest of that stuff

The opponents of guns consider them lethal weapons, but don't seem to understand that they are not the only lethal weapons.

Look at the young folk throwing rocks , or molotov cocktails, are they not lethal weapons?

Must be because they are the weapon of choice for many. So, why are there so few arrests and convictions for those actions.

Oh, guns are really bad! Heck, there were more people wounded than killed by guns.

Oh, that is bad, people were wounded, horrors.

Just wait until you get hit by a big rock, or a molotov cocktail. You might prefer to be hit by a bullet!

But, watching the Philadelphia Police Chief say they were worried about danger to the officers if people had guns. Now that is really strange as all of the officers have guns and he is not worried about them.

But, but, but, his officers are trained in gun control. Hmmmmm, I wonder what the percentage is of people killed by ccw holders, and police officers.

Oh, you know the police officers never commit domestic assault, and never have anger , or rage, or anything else , but the ccw carriers are noted for their inability to control their emotions.

I have the solution, let everyone who wants to carry a loaded weapon, and let the resultant carnage eliminate the people who are not capable of carrying a loaded weapon safely.

Execute murderers, rapists, and terrorist and save the nation now

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Life and death, another point of view

You must be aware that there are 5Billions people in the world, and if the average life expectancy if 50 years that that would mean that 100,000,000 a year die.

Or about2,000,000 a week!

Ah , the beauty of numbers, and yet, the news media has great success telling us that 7 people were shot and on killed on any specific day.

But the ignore the other 1,999,999 that died that same week,

Are we so blaze that we can ignore the other deaths, or is it that these deaths are of a greater significance than the one shot in a store.

Or is that the media does not want the public to know how frail the world's population is, or is it because they want to emphazise the value of one human life.

But then maybe it is all a figment of my imagination!