Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Life and death, another point of view

You must be aware that there are 5Billions people in the world, and if the average life expectancy if 50 years that that would mean that 100,000,000 a year die.

Or about2,000,000 a week!

Ah , the beauty of numbers, and yet, the news media has great success telling us that 7 people were shot and on killed on any specific day.

But the ignore the other 1,999,999 that died that same week,

Are we so blaze that we can ignore the other deaths, or is it that these deaths are of a greater significance than the one shot in a store.

Or is that the media does not want the public to know how frail the world's population is, or is it because they want to emphazise the value of one human life.

But then maybe it is all a figment of my imagination!

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